Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

Affirmative & Negative Agreement, Negation, Commands.

Affirmative : Digunakan untuk menunjukkan orang atau melakukan sesuatu hal, kemudian menambahkan lain melakukan hal yang sama. Cukup menggunakan : and – to or and – so
Contoh :
  • I am happy, and you are too
  • I am happy, and so you are
  • They will work in the lab tomorrow, and you will too.
  • They will work in the lab tomorrow, and so will you.
Negative Agreement : Seperti Affirmative namun Negative Agreement menggunakan: either – neither.
Contoh :
  • I didn’t see Maria this morning. John didn’t see Maria this morning.
  • I didn’t see Maria this morning, and John didn’t either.
  • I didn’t see Maria this morning, and neither did John.
  • Roy doesn’t recognize me at all. Titin doesn’t recognize me at all.
  • Roy doesn’t recognize me at all, and Titin doesn’t either.
  • Roy doesn’t recognize me at all, and neither does Titin.

Negation adalah bentuk pernyataan negatif. Walaupun hal ini tidak begitu asing, namun di bawah ini akan kami jelaskan bentuk-bentuk negation, atau bentuk-bentuk bagaimana membentuk suatu pernyataan negatif.

  1. Dengan Kata Kerja (VERB)
  2. With a simple form:
    Subject + (The negative of the auxiliary DO (or MODALS)) + simple form.
    – I don’t  know
    – We didn’t see (Not I didn’t saw)
    – He couldn’t stay

  1. With a past participle:
    Subject + (The negative of the  auxiliaries BE or HAVE) + past participle.
    – They haven’t  seen
    – She wasn’t driving
    – You hadn’t forgotten

  1. Dengan Kata Benda (NOUN)
    Jangan gunakan 2 kali Negation dalam 1 kalimat yang sama.
I do not see no evidence. (SALAH)

  1. Positive sentences:
    No+ noun
    – I see no evidence
    – No one is concerned

  1. Negative sentences:
    – I do not see any evidence
    – They are not concerned

Either and neither function in simple statement much like “so” and “”too” in affirmative sentences. However, either and neither are used to indicate negative agreement. The same rules for auxilaries, be and do, does or did apply.

Contoh Kalimat lainnya:
  1. The manager isn’t too happy with the project, and neither is his assistant.
  2. We can’t study in the library, and he can’t either.
  3. You didn’t pay the taxes, and they didn’t either.
  4. My Brother won’t accept my father’s decision, and my sister won’t either.
  5. He doesn’t know the answer, and neither does she.
Negative statement + and + [ S + negative auxiliary or be + either]
Negative statement + and + [ neither + positive auxiliary or be + S ]
I didn’t see Bella this morning. Edward didn’t see Bella this morning
I didn’t see Bella this morning and Edward didn’t either.
I didn’t see Bella this morning and neither did Edward.
Additional examples:
1. The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and neither should she.
2. We don’t plan to attend the concert, and neither do they.
3. I don’t like tennis, and he doesn’t either.
4. She didn’t see anyone she knew, and neither did Tim.
5. The Yankees couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and neither could the Angels.
6. Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t either.
7. I’m not interested in reading that book, and neither is she.
8. They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t either.
9. I can’t stand listening to that music, and she can’t either.
10. Michael doesn’t speak English, and his family doesn’t either.
11. That scientist isn’t too happy with the project, and neither are her supervisors.
12. We can’t study in the library, and they can’t either.
13. I haven’t worked there long, and neither have you.
14. You didn’t pay the rent, and she didn’t either.
15. They didn’t want anything to drink, and neither did we.
16. John shouldn’t run so fast, and neither should you.
17. The students won’t accept the dean’s decision, and the faculty won’t either.
18. Your class hasn’t begun yet, and neither has mine.
19. She couldn’t attend the lecture, and her sister couldn’t either.
20. He didn’t know the answer, and neither did I

Dalam bahasa inggris, kalimat perintah (Commands), selalu dimulai dengan kata kerja yang berbentuk“Infinitive – tanpa to” jika tidak ada kata kerja, kiat menggunakan “Be + Adjectives”
Contoh :
  1. Open your book!
  2. Clean the blackboard!
  3. Show me your book!
  4. Light a candle!
  5. Be careful!

Negative Commands
Kalimat larangan (Negative Commands) dimulai dengan ” Don’t + Infinitive – tanpa – to “ jika tidak ada kata kerja, kita menggunakan “ Don’t be + Adjectives “
Contoh :
  1. Don’t make noise!
  2. Don’t read this letter!
  3. Don’t lock the door!
  4. Don’t be naughty!
  5. Don’t be angry!


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